Velogames Fantasy Cycling

Warm Up Medal Race Standings

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Rank Team Directeur Gold Silver Bronze Total
1No Willunga No Carekevinrays1113
2Cadence KingsJackie H1113
3BigMat Ober 67Billax1102
4back againkylerob071102
5suɐʇı⊥ ןןıH ǝןı⊥Mark Perryman1102
6ShouldacouldawouldaThe Welsh Terrier1102
7SuperChowBob Minchow1012
8Gimme a bullet Princess Karla Young1012
9Tinny TeamAnders1012
10James Knox Fan Club!Gethin1012
11Jayco AjujaTommy Radler 1012
12Team Tekerj GyorsabbanMiklosT1012
158 Antipodeans and the wrong HayterIsaac1012
16The Velo-CiraptorsMr.Red1012
17Rider on the SandBennyB1012
18The winning breakfast HighlandRozzler 1012
19Vini ZabuZabu1012
20Webbly WheelsJohn Webb1012
21Tour Down Under TeamAmberjack1012
22High Aptitude Whit1012
25Spokey DokesSpanner in the Spokes1012
28Cum Down UnderJRat1012
29Off the Back Jim Wright1012
30Albi Cycling TeamCarlos Eduardo1012
31Fast DownhillersRocky1012
32CS Bro MorgannwgMykal1012
33Danger CKDirecteur Danger 1012
35Brown ShortsAdam Neilson1012
37UnderachieversMathew Edmonds1012
38Extreme Performance Organization (EPO)William Michaud1012
39GROUPAMOAL FDPIf I speak I am in big trouble1012
40Under ground over ground Wombling free. Jon Hartley 1012
41Poulidor Racing 87Neshmanich1012
42Capital CurtinJosh M1012
43Hagar`s HarriersHagar Orocks1012
44Bamboo on the MoonBaron Pierre Von Bicycle1012
45Gavia ‘88Giuseppe Saronni1012
46Make NamMistakeAboutIt!Johnny Van de Nam1012
47Sofa CyclerTakeItFromMe1012
48Team FrogLisette Coquette 1012
49Team VelogamesGeorge Chapman1001
50Nuisance Valuemarkrprior1001
51Team GAAOJulienB1001
52Team Flixbus August 1001
53Taeves Diamantpozzo 1001
54GoldjungsPrimoz Goldic1001
56Let it goFabienC1001
58Le tour du pinJeremad1001
59De SpringverenHenkjan1001
60Straight to the Pool RoomWill McAlpine1001
61Zone41.ClubRicardo Bernardo1001
62The 501stRick1001
63Team MBMarianna1001
64Bergbokke Riaan 1001
66Brigade Zwen BierhoffPeter Larsson1001
68Skudehavnen CCMoxRacing1001
69Giro Up OverMiguel Pratas1001
70The NadirJonas1001
71100% AircooledRuss1001
72Chicken LegsBrett1001
73The Mimas TurboRobert De Plaza1001
74Under AchieversAdam Scott1001
75Des mollets et des idéesLe Druide des Batignolles1001
76Disco Koalas Kang Aru1001
77Team LaminasBruno Mendonça1001
78The RafalutionNiall McManus1001
79Leadout TigerGeorge1001
81Lios AlexAlex1001
82Bota Lume!fc_pintas1001
83Team QAFBTimo1001
84Bibbydy BobbydyOntario Vancouverson1001
85Light The CandleMatt Gardner1001
86Wilde Club WheelersBaz McHat1001
87SoLa NoDo - CascadiaPhillip LaBerge1001
88Mansana Eminent Nine QuartetMånsan1001
89Tilshead FlyersJason1001
90Pickle SmoochersIgor1001
91Down JonesMon1001
92Blue Suede Cycling ShoesLizzie1001
93Felix`s ElitesFelix Dennison1001
94Beacons - Pride of DunelandThrocky1001
95LagersRick Allen1001
96Team Meme MachineGeneral Alooon1001
97Make Love not WarMetta World Peace1001
98Men That Shirkd0m1001
99Smegma unitedDesQuickito1001
100E-Kippe GitanesStony Martin1001
102Wallaroo Heritage and Nautical MuseumStevo1001
103The DidgerydoosAlfie1001
104UpsidedownTourPedro Martinho1001
105Any Porte in a StormJames Squires1001
106velo FouzilhonAndy Downie1001
107Average Remco EnjoyersKjell1001
108We Reign Victorious Jon Shepherd1001
109Gina’s WheelsJames Daly1001
110Bastille The WinBastille The Win1001
112Hesket crossers Gordon1001
113Beatniks 2023Jon1001
114BttCotasPaulo Jorge 1001
115Big RingersD Rex1001
116Ciclistas de PelucheRachistus1001
117Links Rechts John Wilson 1001
118Hornets Knees Andrew Marsden-Jones 1001
119SplitskinsMik de Elvenien1001
120Hammer Downpakmanruns1001
121Cycledogs Bob Somerville1001
122Contador a ceroMiguel Angel1001
123Ripon City Magnets Ripon City Ken 1001
124CJ CyclingChino1001
125Don’t be a HayterRusty Beall1001
126Yellow JerseyRuba1001
127YbmarmotsJustin S1001
128Brooklyn Down UnderMartin S1001
130YETIMANPeter Corfeld1001
131Wombats Fatso1001
132ShockersDirty Dr1001
135Le KangourouCiccone1001
136Scheveningen altitude campKyle 1001
137No Willunga?!Will Unga1001
138Cycling Sharks 2023Charltonhater1001
139ACCAde Thomas1001
141GearGrindin`J. Thom1001
142Team White RoadMadam Blanc1001
143Black Swansdch19901001
144Snake BiteMarshall of Rutland1001
145HighlandersDouglas Crawford1001
146Winter is comingXavi1001
147The First Frite BoiBurro1001
148Kim Jung EwanSIR Z MONEY1001
149Eddies Eagles XLNeil Edwards1001
150Magicreme Francois Dumarest1001
151Superclassicfragilisticescapealidocious Kat1001
152The Upside Down SyndromeBontus1001
153Swiss ExpressRiqqo1001
154CochonooFrancisco Gomez1001
155King Küng Restrained with ChainsTom Foulds1001
156Hubris and Greed NationMr. Patate O’Head1001
157TUE KingsTonneke1001
158TdU bobscurlywigg1001
159eurökatpöstkarpetbänkil suore pigre1001
160Big JessiesFabrice Agneau1001
161Bras CassésGregarione1001
162Surulere BoysFatai1001
163Ride bikes throw bricksamelon1001
164Where`s ErikTally511001
165Smile Power QazaqstanMike Bell1001
166UllricharcalisTrauts Nosliw1001
167Lizzie`s LadsLzbdd1001
169Fremunda CheeseStephen Clarke1001
170Leg day SkippersshaGGy1001
171Dustin’ off the CobwebsMtnMike1001
172Wolfpack001Frans Daemen1001
174Pinots tårerRasmus1001
175LetstalkcyclingHofman, Ghislain1001
176Total Cr@p ShootRCG1001
177Here we go.John Neeve1001
180The RouleursDean Jacobs1001
181Velo Club LazyChris 1001
182Oh ManJim Lehman1001
183Raul75 MúvisztárokRaul751001
184Half WheelersHank Sender1001
186CapTeam_2023Vincenzo 1001
187Midnight EspressoA Curati1001
188I Miss Team SkyJean Baptiste1001
189Pete’s teamPeteg1001
190Wootton’s WinnersEmma Wootton 1001
191Cobble ClubRosie Aitch1001
192¿Por qué?Ian B1001
193Where`s Me Stabilisers?David Blake1001
194Tour Down Kangaroo UnderwearLleyton Heslip0112
195Off the BackTom Deacon-Harry0112
196Roo Dodger Cowboys Anders Van Andermaet0112
197Forever YoungRien Heutink0112
198Roadrash Dano0112
199La giclette dans la peauJason Melbourne0101
200Ow DoPatrick Blake0101
201easy early birdsOliver0101
202SauceBig G0101
203Dancing on the PedalsMark Viduka0101
204Fan de Kylie MinogueBonnie Taille l`Eure0101
205BMRTBike Malik0101
206Sprint Deviation PoliceSean Flynn0101
207The Rangers Walker 0101
208Waseberg WanderersPintomae0101
210I IngegneriFabbio Di Ninno0101
211Derrière du PelotonE Cannon0101
212Lake Placid FlyersStephanie P0101
213Boonen's Bronzed Legs Capella161 0101
214The PelotonianAndy0011
215Space Possums from Planet XSlim0011
216Les héros du samediJonathan Personne0011
217Stage Nine WoesAwakenTheBacon0011
218Aveda Sonos GT0011
219Draft DodgersAether0011
221with Godon our sideneillt0011
222A Lesadout is umop/downMufcfaan0011
223Flaming AlbondigasChristabelle0011
224Team OTLCJ0011
225Swabian RocketsSteffi van Au0011
226AlapinotSuker57 0011
227Freddy`s FumblersManfred Mohren0011
228TeamCaitCaitZ 0011
229Neves TeamTiago Neves0011
230Bonzer CavalierGuy Caballero0011
231One with the RoadRobin Weir0011
234Yellow PerilsYvo0011
235Sun Tzu - Art of Pastryoli0011
23611 years agoBec0011
237ERES 2023Eres0011
238Wonky Wheel A Puncture 0011
239BranchesBranch Cycler0011
240WATT? Vaag0011
241Beaune DryMonte Mast0011
242X Merckx the Spotslcbob0011
244Norfolk n HopeNoel Barrow0011
246Vegemighty RidersJK0011
247Cross Cut ShreddersDizzy Jo0011
248The Big HilliesBig Willy0011
249The Quiet LegsIda Amin0011
250BE BraveGrammy0011
251Pasteleiras TeamMario Martins0011
252Who can take the heat?Postigod0011
254Los PolitoxicómanosRH+0011
255SBA CyclingNOCO CPA0011
256cGAS poweredPilou0011
257Curse Purge PlusDave Pinelli0011
258GeboreneSpurterAnton J.0011
259Two Bobs WorthDaveTwoBob0000
260Wombats der StraßeFlattermaus0000
261Iban Mayo Fan ClubLoulou Mikal0000
263PlusSurLeWebGuillaume 0000
264Aveiro Bike World TeamJoao Manuel Oliveira0000
265Rijsel ChpiritGus Van Gus0000
266The Crane Cycling BarDuurt Dijkman0000
267Team AlbertAlbert van Hausen0000
268Barry Island MOTMJenny 0000
271Super Gattieres CCIan Broon 0000
272RSC HorhusenMatthias0000
273Etoile Filante RougeLouis Moulin0000
274Ramsay Street RacersDad0000
275West Green WheelersMark Chettle0000
276GromartinGrodirecteur 0000
278My Riders are Cursed!Trena Parks0000
279The FredsDr. Mandible0000
280Team VelonetoJoao Neto0000
281Coalition Of ChaosMatt0000
282Team ParadoxGreg Schisla0000
284Hell on WheelsCian Donovan0000
285Toytown Athletic Dave Barber0000
286Team BlodSplash0000
287BORING hansgolemJan0000
288Woutless Wobbling WombatsThe Lonely Goatherd0000
289Downtube Shifters MarcoVelos0000
290Dirty ChainB MANTZEY0000
291Plapp me in the CockquadDarren McFadden0000
292Jojo’s Circus Joanne Turner0000
293Jerome GambitUmhms0000
294Nessuna CattenaBruno Ricci0000
296Nomadic PeddlersRenan Levine0000
297Low MileageTodd Hamina0000
298Team TasmaniaMichael McQuillen0000
299Los CuervosThe Crow0000
300The GrupettoDave From Penrith0000
301Roaming By DayNigel K0000
302Koppenberg Djamolidine 0000
304Bluemen Smurf639 0000
305Mako SharksGareth0000
306Team TubbyOld and Slow0000
307Ewan går och Hayter åker radiobilLaszlo K0000
308Quinn Simmons, medicine womandarth ripken 0000
309Blazing SaddlesCraig Allen0000
310NR9Al Downie0000
311Cycling for Cthulhu Mike E0000
312Notchy Bottom BracketsWendy0000
314Eeh by GumThe Gaffer0000
315Men at WorkRoadrash Rob0000
316Misfits Paul Hesketh 0000
317The iffiesIan Fisher0000
318Yoda Cycling TeamMarco Ramos0000
319Dão WinesFrancisco Reis0000
320Pays de GallesGeoff Harris0000
321VC ClampionsClampy0000
322Van Rysel team Paparaf0000
323Bear Flag SchoonersSubvelo 0000
324Vicarious Velo VLen Venturini0000
326Team PantaniTim M0000
327Hot Much?Ground Hog0000
328Hill CrushersArt Weirich0000
329Turbo ZedMarcus Tobias0000
330Alpe d`CeuninckKop van Westrijd0000
331Texas TournadosTeodoro Roberto0000
332Putting some prawns on da barbie, mateGamecook0000
333The Little Lamb BoysConti Continental0000
334Leaper`s CreepersRichard Leaper0000
335Kelmestás contandoKing Remco0000
336Mata A MorteJorge Solano0000
337Jez`s 9Jez Leigh0000
338Galifão GangAdam S0000
339WHEELSUCKASTARJeff Buddington0000
341The LongmoversJo`el0000
342Men at Workdeejayemm0000
343Landa desayunando huevos rotos TeamHugo Barreiros0000
344Tourmalet JJoanna in Virginia0000
345wood respecterstront0000
346Koko KoalasSnowbell Snow0000
347The Peoples Republic of LeithSean Allan0000
349Losers down underPhilou Thefièvre0000
350Panic AguaDT0000
351I AM DAMO SUZUKIMark Taylor0000
352Rusty ChainsRus0000
355DonFabio73Fabien DELEERSNYDER0000
356The Traitorschocdrop0000
357Team IvoIvo0010000
358Negative Ghost RiderPete Mitchell0000
359Southern Hemisphere of the PackSFinAus0000
360Its Australia in`tittrudgin0000
361Faustino Cartwheels JT47 0000
362Seoul Soju Warriorsalan macdougall0000
364San Juan’s Yer ManMichael Porter0000
365Jižní vítrTomáš0000
366Late Night RidersMartine0000
367Rolf er RenMartin0000
368Garrabost TCRDonald Lamont0000
369CyclitillaEl Rados0000
370Neun Kreiser der HöllePeter $atan0000
371Gora Gora GoraHaimarX0000
372QuiddlingMission Man0000
373Pedaling SquaresDirecteur Justin0000
374Six of One Half a Dozen of the OtherTim in KY0000
375LatriJ. Corral0000